
In Which I Attempt to Cheer Myself through Poetry

I'm feeling very blah today. In an effort to alleviate the blah, a poem:

Love or Otherwise

You are the smell of rain,
the spiced breeze,
the apple-tang fog,
the strange, familiar scratch of wool,
the bitter note of wood-fire smoke,
the sound of leaves,
the red-gold pallet.

You are the autumn damp through my window.

You are all these things,
whether I am in love or

This is my homage to my favorite season. I have never been able to write about fall successfully. I've tried. So, I snuck it into a love-ish poem. Whether it is successful or not remains to be seen.

But, I feel slightly less blah.


The Rookie said...

This is one of my favorites. Perfect in every way.

Iknowaboutpopular said...

I heart you so hard right now. That is beautiful.

Stephanie said...

Thanks, friends. You make me decidedly less blah!

Jenn said...

You are an amazing woman. I love your love/fall poem. :)

Miss Melissa Bee said...

I love this! I know it too many days later to cheer you of your melancholy, but you are beautiful lady! I love you words and your heart!

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