
"Thou art to me a delicious torment"

So, I've hit that point in the break-up cycle when things in the broken relationship begin to seem idyllic. I'm pretty sure the other word for this is Loneliness... Logically, I know that things are over for a reason, and that the idyllic images I insist on replaying over and over in my head are faulty at best, and that I really am just lonely. But, lonely is never logical, and so I find myself looking back through rosy lenses. You know how it is: you stalk their blog, and haunt their Facebook page wishing for any tidbit of information, and knowing that as soon as you get said information, it is likely to break your heart again. You long to see them, and when you do, you can't take your eyes off them; you fervently hope that they will look at you, and when they do, you immediately look away. Just being near them is agony, but it's agony you crave. Emerson had it right: it IS "delicious torment". Dammit...