
Happy Thursday

It's another Poetry Thursday, folks, and it's been a doozy! So to counteract the dooziness of it all, something lighthearted and fun.

Thanks to my dear friend, Miss Melissa, for first introducing this poem to me a few years ago.

Crayon Pirate

There was a single blue line of
crayon drawn across every wall
in the house. What does it
mean? I said. A pirate needs
the sight of the sea, he said and then
he pulled his eye patch down and
turned and sailed away.

--Brian Andreas


The Rookie said...

Pure and perfect. Thanks.

Oh, and we need to hang out.

I mean it.

Miss Melissa Bee said...

I love this poem--partially because of the image it paints for me, partially because it transports me into childhood, partially because makes me smile every time I read it, but mostly because it does all of that in seven little lines. Isn't poetry perfect?

Oh, and I want to hang out too!

Stephanie said...

Poetry is indeed perfect.

And yes, let's all hang out! Please!