
VD Ahoy

I just want to go on record, here: I HATE Valentine's Day. Seriously. I loathe it. And it isn't just because I'm single, and this isn't the bitterness talking (honestly, given my previous forays into romance, I'm just glad to have come out relatively unscathed -- I'm far too grateful to be bitter), and it isn't because it makes me sad, or anything else. I just really, really hate it. I think it's stupid. I also resent the fact that holidays like this make me feel like I need to buy a "little something" for all the people I work with, and I really resent the fact that it costs me like $30 to do it! I think it is sappy and cheesy and phony. If you love someone, are you really saving all your love for ONE DAY A YEAR? If you are, shame on you. I love the idea of love, and being in love, and as previously mentioned, I am a closet romantic; maybe that's why Valentine's Day offends me so much: it just doesn't seem real. There is nothing romantic about pre-packaged love. There. I have said my piece.


Laura said...

Well, my friend, I have to admit Bryan and I are with you about the whole Valentine's Day thing. We have never really done anything for each other but we do get roses for his mom since Kim passed.... Anywhooo, I am super excited about Friday! Yeah girl's night!

The Kings said...

Ummmm- Just by looking at the title of this post, I was a little concerned. My first thought was "venereal disease ahoy" ( I don't know if I spelled that right). Anyways, I think Valentine's is probably more appropriate and more tolerable than the joys of syphillis, or crabs...either one really. Love ya!

Julie said...

Hahahaha! Molly's comment made me laugh harder than the original post! :D