
Twilight Madness

And I do mean madness. I get that the Twilight series is popular (I don't understand why, but that is another blog post all together); I get that crafts abound when people love something -- how many kids ran around in Gryffindor scarves, a 'la Harry Potter? What I don't understand is this:

No, that isn't a felt walnut you see there, because it also opens:

That, my friends, is a felt representation of Bella's womb, complete with fetus.

W. T. F.

I have thought about it, and I'm fairly sure this is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Seriously. It's fiction, people, and maybe it is time to put the book down, and go outside.

P.S. I found this monstrosity on Craftastrophe


Julie said...

Okay, that is creepy. Pretty sure I am going to have nightmares, now.

Jessie said...

That is probably one of the grossest things I have seen. I didn't LOVE the books, but I enjoyed them.... but I can't imagine pulling out my felt to make something like this for Twilight craft night.....

Jenn said...

That is the nastiest thing I have ever seen. I can't believe that someone would actually produce that to sell to people. Wow. When you thought you have seen it all...