
Novel Pursuits

I have always wanted to write a novel. From the time I was a little girl, I've dreamed of having a book with my name on the cover "FOR SALE". To that end, I have started several "novels", but they never really got off the ground. Lately, I have decided that if poorly written books about sparkly, celibate vampires can become an absolute phenomenon, I have a chance. (SIDEBAR: Okay, okay, good for her, right? She took a chance and it paid off. Some of it she got right: vampires are traditionally very good looking, and the sparkle has its place as well, although traditional vampire legend calls it a "glamour", but really? Celibate vampires? Vampires are perhaps the most erotic mythical creature; the very name is practically synonymous with sensuality... I think that's where she lost me. That, or somewhere around the baseball game... NON SEQUITUR: Random comment along the same vampire vein (ha! no pun intended), I recently read a book called The Historian for my book club. It is essentially a history/travelogue of the Eastern Bloc countries during the Cold War masquerading as a re-telling of the Dracula legend. Although, in this version, Dracula has nothing more nefarious in mind than finding a scholar to catalogue his "evil Library"...642 pages, y'all... I have decided that a vampire story is NOT the way to go. Although, I haven't entirely ruled out the idea of writing a bodice-ripper under a nom de plume, just because I can...) So, while I wasn't blogging, I was engaged in other creative outlets, and it was relatively productive. I wrote a couple new poems, re-wrote a couple old ones, and started a few more. Plus, I started a "story"; I sort of refuse to call it anything else for fear of jinxing myself. So, right now, it is in the infant-est of infant stages, but I like the premise, and I like the idea that I've started. Who knows where it will go from here?


Julie said...

You are amazing, and I know you can do this. You have all of my support and admiration. Go ahead and break a leg, but don't break an arm or a finger! Keep writing!

Jessie said...

I'm excited for this "story"! You're amazingly talented and know you'll do well at whatever you write!