
Ahoy, Me Hearties!

It's that time of year again! Break out the grog*, and tune the hornpipe! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us! It's tomorrow, September 19th. For more information, or tips on HOW to talk like a pirate, visit the official website here.

*Please enjoy your grog responsibly...


The Rookie said...

I've a great pirate joke in celebration, but it is interactive. I'll have to tell it to you next time we meet.

Oh, and more flirtations happened with the Jensen last night at FHE (yes, I went, but only because it was a hike which meant I wouldn't have to go to the gym--two birds, one stone). Unfortunately, much flirting was happening with said Jensen amongst many of the ladies. Ugh! I am delusional.

The Rookie said...

Oh, and your blog changed! It looks so pretty!

Stephanie said...

Thanks, Rookie!

We will discuss the Jensen flirtations directly after the interactive Pirate joke next time we get together... :)

Jessie said...

Happy "Talk Like a Pirate" Day, and Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Stephanie said...

Thanks, Jessie!